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The Skating Aratas act is performed by wife and husband duo
                                          Victor and Jenny Arata, the acrobatic skating routine is on a
                                          custom round platform. The Aratas routine involves incredibly
                                          difficult and dangerous stunts as they spin at neck breaking
            Insert video                  pace. Developed through over 18 years of intense training and
                                          rehearsal they display courage, skill and precision at an
                                          extremely high level. Las Vegas Review Journal says ''Show
                                          Stopping'' and Las Vegas weekly said ''They defy gravity, they
                                          defy sanity and it leaves you with chills'‘

                                                             Rolla Bolla
                     Higher and higher they go, one cylinder at a time,
                     as these amazing rolla-bolla balancing artists build
                     a precarious tower of cylinders and boards on top
                            of a pedestal. With assured confidence and
                          superior skill, these performers ascent to new
                                     heights of five cylinders and more!

      Russian Bar
      This unbelievably acrobatic defying act is an exciting favorite
      with all audiences! While two porters hold a 4 inch wide
      flexible bar that stretches 14 feet long across their shoulders
      toss a flyers up to 20 feet in the air while they execute and
      perform a series of dangerous and thrilling jumps, flips and
      twists while they land flawlessly back on top of the bar. This              Aerial Silk
      specialty act is truly breath taking and amazing!
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