Page 25 - HELLO! San Diego - Visa Payments Forum Proposal
P. 25
Our Champagne Aerialist will
N welcome guests as they walk into
E the main area! Dressed in silver
sparkle, she will look like a disco
ball hanging 20 feet in the air,
R while serving champagne to
E your eager guests.
N Note: Champagne and glassware
to be provided by catering team.
N Option to have aerialist on her
I own structure, or rigged into the
D ceiling pending venue approval.
NITROGEN ICE CREAM. Enhance your ice cream SMOKED COCKTAIL STATION. Providing an added
experience to the next level with our nitrogen ice cream and powerful element to the cocktail and a extra
station. Our specialty ice cream will deliver the richest, sensory dimension to the bar. Culinary smoking
creamiest ice cream scientifically possible to your guns are used to fill bell jars with aromatic smoke
guests! that seasons the glass and cocktail and fills the bar
space with enticing aromas and billowing smoke.