Page 10 - Scaffolding Magazine 2022
P. 10

n Awards                                                                             

                                                                                        Constant interaction with the
                                                                                        designer and client was required
                                                                                        to overcome issues with the
                                                                                        struture, the environment and
                                                                                        logistical problems with
                                                                                        the isolated location
                                                                                        of the viaduct

                                                                                        used in this scaffolding package
                                                                                        including the purchase 2265 metres
                                                                                        or 1.40 miles of 1.28m deep beams.

                                                                                        There were many challenges to
                                                                                        address on this project:
                                                                                        l The whole scheme had to be
                                                                                        completed in 12 months during
                                                                                        the pandemic . Breaks had to be
                                                                                        staggered and teams were separated
                                                                                        both travelling to site, working
                                                                                        on site and staying in overnight
                                                                                        accommodation with very few issues.
                                                                                        l The use of the gallows brackets
                                                                                        including additional brackets saved
                                                                                        the client time and expense in
                                                                                        costly groundworks which would
                                                                                        have to have been remediated on
                                                                                        completion of the project.
            Project of the Year              Poor ground conditions prevailed    800 tons of   Considerable trials were
            (Turnover up to £5m)           to some of the arches so crane   equipment was   undertaken to decide the best
                                                                         used by Layher for
            Sponsor: Layher Ltd            mats were used up to one metre   Saltburn Viaduct  method of fixing to the 150-year
            Winner: Crossway               square to spread the loads from the          old brickwork. Layher re-designed
            Scaffolding (Elland) Ltd       scaffolding standards as sleepers            the fixings by incorporating steel
            Project: Saltburn Viaduct,     or sole pads would not support the           reinforcement bars which were
            North Yorkshire                leg loads which were up to 80 kn in          held into place with a special quick
                                           some of the leg clusters. A total of         curing resin. The ties then had to be
            Eleven no piers and abutments   110 crane mats were used.                   tested using a special pull tester to
            had fully boarded scaffold around   Some piers rose from the ravine         determine the quality of the fixings.
            them for access and to give support   and sheer rock faces which ran        Some had to be re-sited and retested
            to the 1.28m deep dessa beams   through the centre of the viaduct           due to sub-standard brickwork.
            spanning the arches. The 10 no   and this problem was solved by               As a result of this intensive testing
            arches were spanned 15 metres to   using gallows brackets made from         regime supplementary brackets
            provide a fully boarded deck below   RMD soldiers bolted to and through     and wire cables were used giving
            each arch. Scaffolding was then   the brickwork with the scaffolds          additional support.
            punched from the beams along the   springing from these. In total,            During the erection process the
            two long sides of the viaduct.  some 800 tons of equipment was              client decided to have the whole

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