Page 20 - Scaffolding Magazine 2022
P. 20

n Appointing a contractor                                                            

                                                                                        Specifying the criteria for a
                                                                                        scaffolding contract at tender/
                                                                                        pre-contract stage(s) can be
                                                                                        as onerous and uncertain a
                                                                                        task as trying to manage the
                                                                                        operations of an appointed
                                                                                        scaffolding contractor
                                                                                        Lynn Way, NASC President

                                                                                        Guidance on Appointing a
                                                                                        Scaffolding Contractor – to be used
                                                                                        in conjunction with the management
                                                                                        guide. This document provides
                                                                                        simple and accessible assistance
                                                                                        on a range of principal contractor
                                                                                        responsibilities, including:
                                                                                        l Monitoring of scaffolding
                                                                                        operations during erection/
            Choose wisely                                 Under The Construction Design   l Scaffolding design, calculations
                                                          and Management Regulations
                                                                                        and risk assessment/method
                                                          (CDM), principal contractors and   statement (RAMS)
             Selecting a scaffolding contractor should    contractors have an important role   l Scaffolding inspections and
             not be undertaken lightly. Here the          in managing health and safety risks   handover
             NASC offers help with the process            during the construction phase.   NASC President Lynn Way
                                                            Among their duties, they are   said: “For many main contractors/
                                                          required to check that anyone they   clients specifying the criteria for
                                         NASC offers a
                                       comprehensive      appoint has the skills, knowledge,   a scaffolding contract at tender/
                                       guide to selecting a   experience and, where relevant,    pre-contract stage(s) can be as
                                       scaffolding contractor  the organisational capability to carry   onerous and uncertain a task as
                                                          out their work safely and without   trying to manage the operations
                                                          risk to health.               of an appointed scaffolding
                                                            To assist principal contractors   contractor.
                                                          and contractors in appointing   “The information contained
                                                          scaffolding contractors, the NASC   within SG39:21 and the associated
                                                          has created the NASC Guide to   management guide will be of great
                                                          Appointing a Scaffolding Contractor,   assistance to those procuring,
                                                          a comprehensive management    appointing and managing
                                                          guide which is available for free   scaffolding contracts. It should
                                                          download via the NASC website.  help ensure that the correct and
                                                            This 20-page document includes   up to date scaffolding standards
                                                          information on competence,    are incorporated into relevant
                                                          minimum scaffolding requirements,   contract documentation and further
                                                          regulations, codes of practice    requiring that appointed scaffolding
                                                          and best practice.            contractors adopt recognised
                                                            The NASC has also published a   scaffolding industry good practice
                                                          go-to reference guide - SG39:21   upon their site(s).” l

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