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Charlotte Mason Picture Study Aid                                                       Johannes Vermeer

               Book of Nature and the Bible, from which he drew much inspiration; how later on he went to Paris and
               studied the pictures of great artists, Michael Angelo among them.

               Step 3. Show the pictures to the girls, let them look well at them, and then draw from them their ideas as
               to the beauty and simplicity of the composition; call attention to the breadth of tone, and the dignity of
               the lines. Help them, sketching when necessary. to reduce a picture to its most simple form; half-closing

               their eyes to shut out detail, help them to get an idea of the masses of tone, etc.

               Step 4. Let the children reproduce a detail of one of the pictures, working in water-colour with
               monochrome and making their washes simple and flat, reducing the tones to two or three.

               Step 5. Su&est to them to study the works of other artists in a similar way, and show them how the
               books of R. Caldecott will help them in making their figures look as if they were moving.

        And still older students, she recommended this in Volume 3 (pg 354):

               Subject: Fra Angelico.

               Group: Art. Class IV. Average age: 16 1/2.

               Time: 30 minutes.


               1.  To show reproductions of some of Fra Angelico’s pictures.

               2.  By means of them, to point out such distinguishing features as will enable my pupils to recognise
                   Fra Angelico’s work wherever they may see it.

               3.  To show in what degree his work holds a place in high art.


               Step 1. Give a short sketch of the life of Fra Angelico.

               Step 2. Allow time for my pupils to look at the pictures provided, namely, various reproductions of
               ‘Christ in Glory,’ ‘Saints in Paradise,’ ‘Angels,’ ‘Christ as Pilgrim,’ ‘Annunciation,’ ‘Crucifixion,’ ‘Noll me
               tangere,’ ‘Descent from the Cross,’ ‘Transfiguration.’

               Step 3. To notice what strikes us most in Fra Angelico’s work––the exquisite jewel-like finish; the pure
               open skies and unpretending clouds; the winding and abundant landscapes; the angels; the touches of
               white light; the delicacy and grace of form; the colouring; the peace.

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