Page 141 - Microsoft Word - LessonPlan-Overview.doc
P. 141
Unit 4: Energy (Part 1) Page 20
8. Drop masses into the effort cup. 4. Attach the string to the effort.
Continue dropping until the effort
can lift the load. 5. Attach the load to the bottom
9. Once your effort lifts the load,
you can collect some data. First 6. Once you get it all together, do
allow the effort to lift the load the same thing as before. Put 40
about one foot (30 cm) into the air. masses in the load and put masses
This is best done if you manually in the effort until it can lift the
pull the effort until the load is one load.
foot off the ground. Measure how
far the effort has to move to lift the 7. When you get the load to lift,
load one foot. collect the data. How far does the
effort have to move now in order
10. When you have that to lift the load one foot (30 cm)?
measurement, you can either How many masses (or how much
count the number of masses in the mass, if you have a scale) did it
load and the effort cup or if you take to lift the load?
have a scale, you can get the mass
of the load and the effort. 8. Enter your data into your pulley
table in your science journal.
11. Write your data into your
pulley data table in your science
Triple Pulley Experiment
You Need
Double Pulley Experiment
Same stuff as
You need: before
Same stuff you needed in If you have a
Experiment 1, except that now you double pulley or
need two pulleys. three pulleys
you can give
1. Attach the string to the hook this a shot. If
that’s on the bottom of your top not, don’t worry
pulley. about this experiment.
2. Thread the string through the Do the same thing you did in
bottom pulley. experiments 1 and 2 but just use 3
pulleys. It’s pretty tricky to rig up 3
3. Thread the string up and pulleys so look carefully at the
through the top pulley.
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