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Unit 5: Energy (Part 2)                                                                Page 8

                                      Textbook Reading

               This is the second part on energy.                 released. For example, the battery
               In Unit 4, we discussed the fact                   has the potential energy to light
               that energy is the ability to do                   the bulb of the flashlight if the
               work.                                              flashlight is turned on and the
                                                                  energy is released from the
               We defined work as moving an                       battery. Your legs have the
               object over a distance against a                   potential energy to make you hop
               force. We defined power as the                     up and down if you want to release
               amount of work done over time.                     that energy (like you do whenever
               We covered some confusing stuff,                   it’s time to do science!). The fuel in
               but don’t feel bad if you’re having                a gas tank has the potential energy
               trouble with it. It takes a while for              to make the car move.
               this to sink in.
                                                                  Kinetic Energy
               This lesson we’re going to talk
               about the two main categories of                   Kinetic energy is the energy of
               energy: potential and kinetic. We                  motion, an expression of the fact
               will talk about transfer of energy                 that a moving object can do work
               and we will also discuss                           on anything it hits; it describes the
               conservation of energy and energy                  amount of work the object could do
               efficiency.                                        as a result of its motion.

               Potential Energy                                   Let’s try to put that a little more
                                                                  simply. Remember from last lesson
                All the different forms of energy                 that work is the amount of distance
               (heat, electrical, nuclear, sound                  something travels against a force.
               etc.) can be broken down into two                  A Joule is the amount of energy it
               categories, potential and kinetic                  takes to exert one Newton the
               energy.                                            distance of a meter. Also,
                                                                  remember that a Newton is a unit
               My students have nicknamed                         of force. It takes about one Newton
               potential energy the “could”                       of force to lift an apple. So if
               energy. The battery “could” power                  something has 10 Joules of kinetic
               the flashlight. The light “could”                  energy it can apply a force of one
               turn on. I “could” make a sound.                   Newton over a distance of 10
               That ball “could” fall off the wall.               meters.
               That candy bar “could” give me
               energy.                                            Here’s an example: an arrow is
                                                                  shot from a bow and by the time it
               Potential energy is the energy that                hits an apple it is traveling with 10
               something has that can be

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