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Unit 5: Energy (Part 2)                                                                Page 14

               Activities, Experiments, Projects

                            Lesson 2: Kinetic Potential Energy

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

                                                                  energy. When the car hit the floor
               Experiment: Go Go GO!!                             it no longer had any potential
                                                                  energy only kinetic.
               This is a nit-picky experiment that
               focuses on the energy transfer of                  If the car was 100% energy
               rolling cars.  You’ll be placing                   efficient, the car would keep going
               objects and moving them about to                   forever. It would never have any
               gather information about the                       energy transferred to useless
               potential and kinetic energy.  We’ll               energy. Your cars didn’t go forever
               also be taking data and recording                  did they? Nope, they stopped and
               the results as well as doing a few                 some stopped before others. The
               math calculations, so if math isn’t                ones that went farther were more
               your thing, feel free to skip it.                  energy efficient. Less of their
                                                                  energy was transferred to useless
               You’ll need to find a few toy cars                 energy than the cars that went less
               (or anything that rolls like a skate),             far.
               a board, book or car track, and
               measuring tape.                                    Where did the energy go? To
                                                                  heat energy, created by the friction
               The setup is simple.  Here’s what                  of the wheels, and to sound
               you do:                                            energy. Was energy lost? NOOOO,
                                                                  it was only changed. If you could
               1. Set up the track (board or book                 capture the heat energy and the
               so that there’s a nice slant to the                sound energy and add it to the the
               floor).                                            kinetic energy, the sum would be
                                                                  equal to the original amount of
               2. Put a car on the track.                         energy the car had when it was
                                                                  sitting on top of the ramp.
               3. Let the car go.

               4. Mark or measure how far it
               went.                                              Experiment: Simple Pulleys

               As you lifted the car onto the track               Roller Coasters are a prime
               you gave the car potential energy.
               As the car went down the track and                 example of energy transfer. You
                                                                  start at the top of a big hill at low
               reached the floor the car lost                     speeds (high gravitational potential
               potential energy and gained kinetic

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