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P. 74
Unit 2: Motion Page 10
Textbook Reading
One of the giants he was referring course. When was the last time
to was Gallileo. Thanks to the you saw your table move across
discoveries of Gallileo and others, the room for no reason? Last time
Newton was able to make many of you were eating your potatoes did
his own discoveries. The most they float off your plate and into
famous of which are Newton’s Laws the lamp? NO! It’s really the
of Motion. second part that is an amazing
Newton’s three laws of motion
predict the motion of virtually all Especially if you consider when the
objects on Earth and in space. You statement was made:
are about to know all of them.
Newton’s Laws are all they used to “An object in motion tends to stay
launch space craft to the moon and in motion.” Think about that. When
soon you will understand them all. was the last time you saw an
Pretty powerful stuff, eh? object keep moving on its own? If
you push a toy car, does it just go
Newton's Three Laws of Motion and go until it hits the wall? Last
are: time you threw a ball, if your
1. An object at rest tends to stay buddy missed it did it just keep
at rest, an object in motion tends sailing down the street? No! Both
to stay in motion unless a force objects stopped. All object stop
acts against it. right? Well, yes but only on a
2. Force is proportional to
acceleration. The reason things stop is because
of two things we talked about in
3. Every action has an equal and Unit 1: the forces of gravity and
opposite reaction. friction. Without them, things
would just keep going. This is why
Newton's First Law planets, comets, space shuttles,
meteors and more, never stop
At first glance Newton’s first law
moving. They have no air
seems rather obvious. Especially
resistance (in space there’s no air
the first part, “An object at rest
and as such no friction from air)
tends to stay at rest” Well....of
and they may or may not have
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