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P. 97
Unit 3: Matter Page 9
Highlights for Electrons: of electrons a shell can hold
1. Electrons don’t orbit nuclei. can be determined by the
They pop in and pop out of formula 2n2 where n is the
existence. number of the shell.
2. Electrons do tend to stay at a 7. Atoms are “satisfied” if they
certain distance from a have a full outer shell or if
nucleus. This area that the they have a multiple of eight
electron tends to stay in is electrons in their outer shell.
called a shell. 8. If an atom is not “satisfied” it
3. The electrons move so fast will gladly share electrons
around the shell that the with other atoms forming
shell forms a balloon like ball molecules.
around the nucleus. Highlights for Density:
4. An atom can have as many 1. Density is a measurement of
as seven shells. mass and volume.
5. The number of electrons an 2. The denser something is the
atom has determines how tighter its atoms are packed
many shells it has. together.
6. A shell can only hold so 3. Mathematically, density is
many electrons. The number mass/volume.
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