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Y4 Autumn Term Part 1. CW Lesson 2
Adjectives describe the _______________.
Think of a suitable adjective to describe these nouns.
1. the ______________ sea 2. a ________________ adventure
3. a _______________ meal 4. the _______________ story
5. the ______________ children 6. the _________________ bottles
Write two adjectives to describe the nouns in these sentences.
1. The _______________, ______________ flower grew in the garden.
2. A _________________, ______________ giraffe ate the leaves.
3. The sky was ______________ and _______________ this morning.
4. The man was painting a ______________, ______________ picture.
5. Joseph had a ________________, ________________ coat to wear.
Use a ruler to underline the nouns in red and the adjectives in blue in these sentences.
There may be more than one noun in each sentence.
1. The tall, handsome prince married the princess.
2. The swan swam in the dirty, flowing river.
3. The noisy crowd were shouting over the big, grey wall.
4. Jesus is a true and loyal friend.
5. Switzerland is a beautiful, mountainous country.
6. The naughty girl was throwing her old, grey coat over the fence.
Make up a word-search with six or more adjectives in it for your friend to find.