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P. 58

Y4 Summer Term Overview
        The number of words each child is given will depend upon their ability.

        Summer Term Part 1
               Week 1           Week 2           Week 3              Week 4            Week 5           Week 6
        Words ending in ‘ive’   Prefix ‘im’      history           Connectives
                hive             impure          English              finally
                dive            immoral           maths                later
                chive          improper          French                next           Teacher’s          Test-
               thrive          immature           music              suddenly          choice of        selection
                drive          imperfect         science         however because      commonly       of half-term’s
               active           immobile        assembly             whereas        misspelt words       words
               relative         imminent          story               firstly
              massive           immortal          craft              secondly
              narrative         immune          computers             thirdly
              reactive          immerse
        Extras for more able   Extras for    Extras for more     Extras for more      Extras for       Extras for
                               more able           able                able           more able        more able
              proactive        impatient        education           meanwhile
               archive         impossible       language            especially
               inactive       improbable         literacy            example
             remember         immaculate        numeracy           consequently
             interesting      immoveable         religion            fourthly

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