Page 38 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 38

Y3 Autumn Term, Part 1, CW lesson 4

                         A sentence makes ___________________.

                   My name is Punctuation Detective __________________________

         Put a tick  or a  in the box to show whether these sentences make sense or not. Put a
        full stop at the end if they make sense.

        1.  God created the world                         2.  We read about

        3.  Jesus died for sinners                        4.  We give our lives to

        5.  This is a special                             6.  Jesus loves his children

         Rewrite the sentences putting in capital letters and full stops.

        1.  peter likes playing with lego


        2. paris is the capital of france


        3. monday and tuesday are days of the week


         Put capital letters and full stops into this story.

        elimelech and naomi had two sons who became ill and died

        their wives were called ruth and orpah   ruth wanted to look after orpah so she

        went with her to bethlehem    ruth gathered corn in the fields for food  soon

        ruth met boaz who she married   they had a son called obed

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