P. 20
Jacob had twelve sons called Reuben, Simeon, Levi,
Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali,
Joseph and Benjamin.
_________ was Jacob’s favourite son so he bought him a
coloured __________ . He was very __________ of it
and he boasted about it to his _____________ .
The brothers became ________________ and they
threw him down a deep ___________. The brothers
told their father, __________ , that Joseph was
dead. Jacob was very, very __________ .
God had plans for Joseph so he was rescued and
sold as a ___________ in _______________ .
Some years later, Joseph’s brothers needed
_________ so they came to Egypt and met
Joseph again. Joseph had to _______________
his brothers and his brothers ____________ him. The family was once
more the happy, peaceful family that __________ had planned.
Egypt, brothers, slave, coat, jealous, proud, forgave, sad,
Joseph, pit, Jacob, food, God, forgive
(God's Gift of a Family) 33