Page 6 - The Administrator - A Startling True Story of Politics and Deception-
P. 6

Names and identifying details of some of the people depicted in this book have been

           The Administrator. Copyr i g h t  © 2018 |   N. Paul Onuzuruike, MPA.


           No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form or any
           means,  electronic  or  mechanical,  including  photocopying,  recording,  or  by  any
           information  storage and retrieval  system,  without written  permission, excepting
           brief quotes used in reviews.

           Cover concept and design by N. Paul Onuzuruike, MPA.

           Library of Congress Control Number:  2018909881

           ISBN 978-0-9988288-0-0 (Paperback)
           ISBN 978-0-9988288-1-7 (Hardcover)
           ISBN 978-0-9988288-2-4 (eBook)

           Printed and bound in the United States of America.
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