Page 36 - Amrit Varta - Issue Feb. 2023 - English
P. 36

26                                          MA  ANANDAMAYEE  AMRIT VARTA                   Vol. 27, No.1, February2023

                     and a golden necklace of This Body, for making all these Idols. As long as
                     Annapurna’s Idol is not fabricated, Annapurna Puja and bhog will be offered
                     on Kali’s puja pot. Kali’s Puja pot will be made of brass. Kamlakant’da wrote
                     down Ma’s detailed instructions. Bhaiji was informed to come here. On arriving
                     he heard everything from Kamlakant’da and went to meet Ma. Hearing Ma’s
                     instructions Bhaiji was ecstatic and excitedly returned back for the new
                     constructions in the Dhaka Ramna Ashram.
                     Shree Shree Ma arrives at the grounds of the Ramna Ashram.
                         Earlier on 13th April 1929, Shree Shree Ma first arrived in the Ramna Area.
                     On Ma’s instructions and Ma’s Grace, on the north of the Ramna Kalibari, in the
                     central portion of the race course, Bhaiji first constructed the Ramna Ashram
                     with a small hut for Ma. On 2nd May 1929, Ma first entered the Ramna Ashram.
                     Regarding an Ashram, Ma has said, “An Ashram means a pure and holy place, on
                     entering which an excitement of spirituality arises. Everyone should make efforts
                     day and night that the atmosphere of this place remains pious and holy by sâdhan-
                     bhajan, sat-chintâ, sat-âlochana, etc.” The Annapurna        Temple was also
                     getting built and gradually within one year it was fully constructed.
                     Ma Annapurna’s Idol
                         During Ma’s Janmotsav in May 1929, the newly fabricated sparkling white
                     silver Idols of Ma Annapurna, Ma Kali, Shiva, Vishnu        and Ganesh    were
                     installed concurrently in the newly constructed Annapurna Temple. Kulda’da
                     got all the rules and regulations of the rites and worships of all these Gods
                     written down in detail from Shri Shirish Chakravorty, an expert pundit of Dhaka
                     University. The installation rituals along with the grand bathing of the Idols started
                     from Maha-nishâ (midnight). All rituals were conducted by Baba Bholanath
                     with mantras and procedures as instructed by Ma. Kulda’da, Yogesh’da and
                     Atul’da were helping Baba Bholanath. The whole Ashram was packed with people
                     and kirtan was going on vibrantly in the courtyard.
                     Ma’s Janmotsav rituals were conducted on Ma Annapurna’s Idol
                         During the installation rituals of Ma Annapurna and other idols, Ma was
                     resting in an enclosure within the new Temple. Bhaiji was also with Ma. What
                     Ma said to Bhaiji about these idols is not known. But a special kheyâl of Ma
                     was clearly understood that, the special Puja performed on Ma’s divine Body
                     during Janmotsav will now onwards be performed on the new Ma Annapurna
                     Idol here in Ramna Ashram. Just as Vishnu Puja is performed on a Narayan
                     shilâ  (a special stone), similarly if Ma’s Puja  is being performed on Ma
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