Page 9 - Amrit Varta - Issue Feb. 2023 - English
P. 9

Vol. 27, No.1, February 2023                MA  ANANDAMAYEE  AMRIT VARTA                                              1

                                                     Matri – Vani

                     Q: Ma, a young person has gone mad, he thinks that he is a realized soul. Why is
                     this so?
                     Ma: During sâdhana for various reasons this can occur. Practising yoga by
                     reading books or practising yoga with an unfit body can cause this. This can
                     occur even after taking yog-dikshâ    from a Guru, if he does not have the
                     capability to understand his pupil’s basic nature. Everyone’s sanskâr is not the
                     same. Then the energy received from the Guru can create such mental disorder
                     in the pupil.
                                               *                *                *
                     Q:  Some aspirants do not feel inclined to do japa at the fixed time however
                     they become totally concentrated for a few minutes at some other time. Why is
                     this? What should be done?
                     Ma: This is because in some, favorable condition for meditation or japa occurs
                     within them, at a certain time or place only. While for some just at the scheduled
                     time the favorable condition occurs. But the fact is that whenever such a favorable
                     condition arises within one either at a certain place or at a certain time then, if
                     possible he should immediately concentrate on God. Then one should not ponder
                     on place or time, because God’s name can be taken at any place at any time. But
                     if the Guru instructs on a particular time then, whether one likes it or not japa
                     has to be performed at that fixed time.
                                               *                *                *
                     Q: Performing japa at the fixed time or performing japa whenever one likes -
                     which is better among the two?
                     Ma: Both are good. But of course if Guru has given any instruction then that
                     has to be fulfilled. Otherwise both give positive results. One path or one rule is
                     not meant for everyone. Who can say when and on whom God will be revealed?
                     Hence the aim should be to repeat God’s name or mantra in an unbroken manner.
                     And then the aspirant can attain various divine experiences and joy at different

                                               *                *                *
                     Q: Ma, why is it so? Someone is saved (by God’s grace) from a snake’s bite and
                     someone else dies due to a snake’s bite?
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