Page 128 - Biblical Crystals by Prophetess Lily-Rose
P. 128


               As  Christians  we  must  always  bear  in
               mind  that  all  powers  belongs  to  God,
               Romans  12:1-2  (KJV)  states:  “Let  every
               soul be subject unto the higher powers. For
               there  is  no  power  but  of  God:  the  powers
               that be are ordained of God.  2. Whosoever
               therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the
               ordinance  of  God:  and  they  that  resist
               shall receive to themselves damnation.”

               Every  rock’s  ability  to  give  strength  to  a
               structure was placed there by the spirit of
               God  without  this  power  it  will  shatter.
               Every  nutrient  found  in  food  that
               nourishes man’s body was placed there by
               the  spirit  of  God  without which man will
               wither and die.

               The oxygen in the air that we breathe, the
               minerals  in  the  water  we  drink,  the
               warmth from the fire that the lord has so
               graciously  taught  us  to  create  for  our

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