Page 7 - KII Infrastructure Energy Overview Dec 2017
P. 7
Integrated Selection & Assessment
Role Expectations Profile Process: Role Expectations Questionnaire / Assessment (25 minutes)
& Follow-on Competency / Behavior Model Building Session (90 minutes)
Key PE stakeholders establish baseline expectations for the role as it relates to the most
appropriate ways the selected candidate should lead the Platform Company – based on desired
behaviors and the company’s culture.
Candidate Self-Assessment: The Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™ (LEA™) (30 Minutes)
Provides data around six leadership/management competencies and 22 specific leadership
behaviors which all fall under these competencies.
• Candidate completes an on-line assessment responding to a unique questionnaire design
about how they currently spend their time, energy and effort as a leader.
• Individual candidate results will be compared to the established Role Expectations Profile.
The report will highlight key areas of alignment and gaps with the Profile and
recommendations for further exploration with the candidate.
• Actual outcomes and results can be used to create an “onboarding plan” to best map out
behaviors for the new leader to assimilate effectively.
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