Page 9 - Midterm Exam Questions
P. 9

26.04.2020                                                                 M dterm Make-up

          17. Expla n how populat ons and samples d ffer.

              Choose the correct answer below.

                 A. A sample  s a set of un ts of  nterest to a study. A populat on  s a subset of the un ts of a sample.
                 B. A populat on  s a set of un ts of  nterest to a study. A sample  s a subset of the un ts of a populat on.
                 C. A populat on  s an object upon wh ch data  s collected. A sample  s a character st c or property of an  nd v dual exper mental un t.
                 D. A sample  s a set of measurements that are recorded on a naturally occurr ng numer cal scale. A populat on  s a set of measurements that cannot be m
                     be class f ed  nto one of a group of categor es.

          18. A soc olog st recently conducted a survey of sen or c t zens who have net worths too h gh to qual fy for Med ca d but have no pr vate health  nsurance. The
              ages of the 25 un nsured sen or c t zens are l sted below. F nd the med an of the observat ons.

                73   78    71    81    91
                79    66    94    70   95
                74    97    81    67   86
                68    73    86    75   78
                65    92    80    69   87

                 A. 78.5
                 B. 79
                 C. 75
                 D. 78

          19. A recent art cle  n the paper cla ms that bus ness eth cs are at an all-t me low. Report ng on a recent sample, the paper cla ms that 37 % of all employees
              bel eve the r company pres dent possesses low eth cal standards. Suppose 20 of a company's employees are randomly and  ndependently sampled.
              Assum ng the paper's cla m  s correct, f nd the probab l ty that more than e ght but fewer than 12 of the 20 sampled bel eve the company's pres dent
              possesses low eth cal standards.

                 A. 0.462968

                 B. 0.182165
                 C. 0.378753
                 D. 0.269668

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