Page 17 - KV NDA 2016 Magazine
P. 17
Ho$ÝÐr¶ {dÚmb¶ EZ.S>r.E. nwUo
These Dreams
These dreams
Obstinate off spring of my wayward mind
keep running out of my home
All too often
Somewhat humilliated
somewhat hurt
somewhat angry
At times they even rush out barejoot
It is difficult to pacify these
stubborn kids or humour them
For theirs is a search of eternal spring
They wish to seek out the starts and talk to them
I am tired traveller
And have not the will
To chase them anymore
I have come to terms
with my wildemess but I do fear for
Those naive ones
Come evening and they may seek solace
If they come to you even as you sleep Shruti
Do not push them away tenderly hold them
In your like their fond mother
Work life a master
The whole fist of this teaching is that you should work like a
master and not as a slave work incessantly but do not do slave's work. Do
you not see how everybody works? Nobody can be altogether at rest
ninety - nine per cent of man kind work like slaves, and the result is
misery ; it is all selfish work through freedom! work through .... the work
"lave" is very difficult to understand; cause never comes until there is
freedom. there is no true lave possible in the slave. if you buy a slaws and
tee him down in chains and make him work for you he will work like a
drudge, but there will be no lave in him. So when use ours dues work for
the things of the world as slaues, there can be no lave in use, and our work
is not the work. This is true of work done for realties and friends, and is true
of work done for ourselves . Gauri P.