P. 11
Research shows the
surface of Lake Titicaca is flat
group of researchers level of humidity in the air makes meters high arch and, under these
from Dakila Research, Lake Titicaca particularly suitable conditions, it would be impossible to
A together with the Zi- for long-distance studies. For peo- have this view of the laser light as has
gurats Technological Center (CTZ), ple who know the lake it is common been recorded.
managed to prove that the surface to be able to see long distances, but Can we conclude that the
of Lake Titicaca between Bolivia generally people are not aware that Earth is not a globe? Indeed, the
and Peru is completely flat, which this is not possible according to the results are totally incompatible with
means that the behavior of water is theory of the sphericity of the Earth. the theory of the spherical Earth.
to seek level and not follow a curva- To look at the other end of the lake, Without the effect of the attraction
ture. This, in turn, would imply that 110 kilometers away, as dictated towards the center, the model of a
the Earth is not spherical and that by the theory of the spherical Earth, sphere cannot function, much less
the force of gravity cannot exist. there should be a curvature, that is, that it spins at high speed. In the
And its effects are beginning to rai- a 237 meters high arch that should sphere it is not possible to see two
se discussion. prevent seeing the other side. places over a distance of 30 km, as
We learned that the Earth is Dakila and CTZ conducted is the case between Juli and Copa-
a sphere, moreover one that spins two experiments at Titicaca, as part cabana; even at night it is possible
at high speed. In order for things of a seven-year investigation in diffe- to see the illumination of Copaca-
not to fall from the round ball and, rent parts of the world to verify the real bana from Juli with the naked eye.
furthermore, in order not to be thro- shape of the Earth. The consequen- For anyone it is possible to review
wn into space by the high rotation, ces of these results are far-reaching, the data on the theory and curvature
it is necessary that a force attracts because if the water does not follow of the Earth and find out the incon-
everything towards the center, with the curvature of a globe, the force of sistency with the practice in the field.
a very strong pull. With this centric gravity cannot exist either. The Earth is not flat either, as the
pull of the globe everything must The researchers carried continents have a profile, a convex
be accommodated to a round or out two experiments at Titicaca profile. That is, the Earth is flat in the
elliptical ball. In this sense the water in 2011. In the first, from Amanta- waters and convex in the continents.
on the planet should fit this round ni Island, in Peruvian territory, a It is worth mentioning that
shape, a ball with a circumference Newtonian telescope was directed there are no scientific experiments
of 40.075 kilometers. The study over the water surface towards the that prove the spherical shape, nor
with the various field experiments opposite lakeside to visualize the photos of the entire planet; there
shows conclusively that in the wa- Cordillera Blanca, at a distance of are computer images composed
ters -lakes and seas- there is no about 110 kilometers. On the te- of square photos of satellites. So it
curve. These simple experiments lescope, a camera was mounted to appears that we are stepping on
show that water behaves, also on a film the other end. the heels of a big and very well ar-
large scale, as we learned in school In the second experiment, two med falsehood, unfortunately. It
about experiments with communi- laser beams were directed between may seem unbelievable, but that’s
cating vessels, always in a single the towns of Juli, in Peru, and Copa- why we convoke people, the po-
level, that is, flat, never curved. cabana, in Bolivia, with a distance of pulation, scientific or not, to carry
The characteristic of the low 33,8 kilometers between the points, out experiments and see with their
managing to register their lights at own eyes, because the intention is
both ends of the lake. At this distance to inform and motivate people to
the water surface should form a 22 seek knowledge.
11 l IMPACTO | 2019
10 l IMPACTO | 2019 11 l IMPACTO | 2019