Page 3 - Our Hands Spring Summer2022
P. 3

          for the Mill

       We live out our values everyday at Samaritas - This month, we highlight innovation...

 Y S
            Samaritas Wins National
 his season, I’m renewed with   We’re humbled by the growing number   Award for C.A.R.E.S.    INNOVATION
 hope and inspired by the   of donors, organizations, and churches
 Tfreedom we have because of   who have come alongside us with   Technology
 loosened pandemic restrictions. These   generous gifts of support to sustain us
 new freedoms allow us to get back to   through that challenging period.
 more in-person collaborations with our   We’re humbled to take a bow for our Samaritas C.A.R.E.S.   C.A.R.E.S. is a game-changer at a time when senior living
 staff, volunteers, community partners,   We’re grateful for your support and the   (Caregiver Accessible Resource Education Services)   staff and caregiver resources nationwide are constrained.
 and faithful supporters to serve our   renewed service opportunities it brings,   Program, which garnered the Lutheran Services of America   Samaritas is solving the problem, in part, by empowering
 clients all over Michigan. This “new   and the chance to support our mission
 hope” is a call to action, to continue   of Serving People as an Expression   Innovator Award. Samaritas was one of three companies   caregivers with access and staff with education and
 serving our most vulnerable brothers   of the Love of Christ. The Lord   at the 2022 Lutheran Services of America C.E.O. Summit   innovative training to improve health outcomes for people
 and sisters that include:  continues to bless us through his   lauded for outstanding work and leadership.    living with dementia.
 mercy and has answered our faithful
 •  Refugee children and families   prayers.  The Samaritas C.A.R.E.S Dementia Capable Care program
 ready for a new life, freedom and                                     We anticipate...
 opportunity  May the God of hope fill you with all   addresses the lack of dementia training and support for staff
 joy and peace as you trust in him so   and caregivers who manage dementia patients. It utilizes   1.  Reduction of falls by more than 10%
 •  Children who need safety and   that you may overflow with the hope by
 security after suffering abuse and   the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans   Google Glass and Vuzix technology to give caregivers and   2.  Decreased unintended weight loss by 50%
 neglect  15:13.  seniors a real-time look at the health care needs and plans
       for loved ones adversely affected by the disease.               3.  Reduction or elimination of antipsychotic and/or
 •  Children who are matched with a   Thank you for joining Samaritas
 forever family through adoption  Nation for the promise of hope, peace,   anxiolytic medications by 2.6%
 and opportunities to share the love of   “This technology allows caregivers to see and hear the
 •  Children and families who need   Christ together.   information the dementia patient is receiving from medical   4.  80% of people living with dementia maintain current
 support from substance use     providers and coordinate as needed. The hardware is   level of Activities of Daily Living (A.D.L.) functionality
 In Christ alone,
 •  Homeless children and families   supplemented with a credentialed dementia care training
 who need stability and a safe home  Sam Beals   program for staff that teaches them how to offer person-  5.  Depression score stabilized or decreased
 •  Adults with developmental   Chief Executive Officer  centered care to address the unique needs of dementia   6.  Decline of worsening of serious behavior problems by
 disabilities who need community   patients,” said Dayna Roe, clinical director of memory care,   35%
 services and a group home  Samaritas Senior Living .

 •  Seniors who need Independent                                       Visit to learn more about this program.
 and Assisted Living services,
 skilled nursing care and affordable

 As we reflect on the challenges, we have
 all experienced in the last couple of
 years, we’re very encouraged about the
 gains made in overcoming the turmoil
 of this pandemic.

 Our Hands  SPRING/SUMMER 2022, ISSUE NO. 12

    3   MISSION SIZZLE        10-11   EVENTS              19   ADVANCE THE MISSION
    4   FAITH IN ACTION        12-13   AGENT OF CHANGE            20   GRANTS
 6-7  NEW AMERICANS          16-17   REFUGEE FOSTER CARE       22-23   SENIOR LIVING
 8-9  COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS               18     FOSTER CARE
 For general inquiries, email     For more information visit     Cover: Sulma (Unaccompanied Refugee Minor) Artwork   3
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