Page 7 - 2021 Impact Report
P. 7

4,848                                                                              Rudolph “Rudy” Calloway have fostered
                                                                                                 Veteran foster parents Michele and

                                                                                               children for nearly 40 years. Since the
          persons served                                                                    eighties, they have fostered kids in need,

                                                                                                 provided respite care, and adopted.
            1,659 total number of persons served in Foster Care (also
                                                                                              “You know, it’s funny how people think
            includes individuals in transitional foster care, refugee
                                                                                             about foster parents. We laugh because
            foster care, unaccompanied minors and ILP programs)
                                                                                              a lot of people think that foster parents
            94% of children had two or fewer Foster Care placements
                                                                                               are retired, not working, or just bored.”
            326 total number of adoptions
            415 total number of families served in Families First                           Since getting licensed through Samaritas,
            Michigan (1,797 individuals)                                                         Michele reiterated that one-on-one
               96% of children were not placed in Foster Care within 3                          support and access to resources are
               months of completing the program                                                  pivotal in restoring the foster child’s
               94% children were not placed in Foster Care within 6                                   fractured family and wellness.

               months of completing the program
               91% children were not placed in Foster Care within 12                        “Let’s work together as much as possible
                                                                                              about services and next steps. It builds
               months of completing the program
                                                                                             trust between everyone. And I think that
            75  families were reunified (341 individuals served)                              the kids respect you for that. I mean, it's
               93% of children remained in the home or with a relative                             not a requirement to do this. But I
               at the time of closure                                                          suggest this because the birth parents
               92% of families will not have substantiated                                    don’t often feel comfortable with foster
               about/neglect for the 12 months after intervention                           parents in the beginning. I've always tried
               95% children were not placed in foster care within 12                         to let the family know from the start; ‘I'm
               months of completing the program                                             not your enemy and that I'm not trying to
                                                                                                                take your children.’”
            71  families were served in our Families Together Building

            Solutions program (333 individuals)                                                Through it all, Michele has remained a
               92% of children remained in home or relative placement                           steadfast foster care advocate and a
               for 12 months after closures                                                    staunch Samaritas ambassador. We’re
               98 total number of families served  in Family                                      grateful for her experience and the
               Preservation Homebuilders (392 Individuals)                                       knowledge she can share with other
               4.9 satisfaction rate received from families who utilized                                             foster parents.
               this program (out of 5.0)
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