Page 8 - Substance Use Disorder Services
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Treating Trauma                                                                                                                  Adolescent


                                                                        Assisted Treatment                                     Adolescent substance use is a growing problem.

                                                                        (MAT)                                                  The mass availability of vape products and the

                                                                                                                               legalization of marijuana has increased adolescence
                                                                        A combination of medication                            interest in those substances and other drugs.

                                                                        and intensive counseling,                              Samaritas has the needed expertise to serve this
                                                                        Medication-Assisted Treatment                          population. In its SUD leadership, there is a
                                                                        provides a “whole-patient”                             combined 30 years of building and delivering

                                                                        approach to treating substance                         services tailored for adolescents.
                                                                        use disorders. This treatment

                                                                        can also include support services
                                                                        such as case management and                                               8.5
           Research shows a strong                                      recovery coaching to engage                                                                                   992,000                         Drug abuse

           correlation between trauma                                   people in holistic care.                                          million adults                               teens                      and addiction cost
                                                                                                                                          suffered from a                           ages 12 to 17                  American society
           and substance use. Therefore,                                                                                                   mental health                         suffered from a                       more than
           understanding and treating                                                                                                      disorder and a                         substance use                      $740 billion
                                                                                                                                           substance use
           trauma is paramount for                                                                                                        disorder in 2017.                   disorder; this equals                     annually.
           many clients.                                             Dialectical Behavior Therapy                                                                                  1 in 25 people.
                                                                             Informed Practice
           Samaritas has designed                                                                                                        Sources: Sack, D. (2014). We can’t afford to ignore drug addiction in prison. The Washington Post. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018). Key
                                                                                                                                                    Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
           comprehensive treatment                                  This type of therapy focuses on building

           teams where each member is                               skills in four areas:
           trained in trauma-informed

           care, and when applicable,
           staff are provided additional                                      Mindfulness                                                                                                                    Adult

           training in Seeking Safety.
                                                                                  Distress                                                                                                    Addiction is a complex but

                                                                                Tolerance                                                                                                     treatable disease that affects

                  Seeking Safety
                                                                                Emotional                                                                                                     brain function and behavior.
          A present - focused therapy that                                     Regulation

            helps clients find safety from                                                                                                                                                    At Samaritas, we believe that everyone, no
             trauma and substance use.                                       Interpersonal                                                                                                    matter where their life is or has been, has
                                                                                                                                                                                              dignity and a personal story to be heard.
                                                                             Effectiveness                                                                                                    It is in those stories where resiliency is

                                                                                                                                                                                              re-discovered, motivation enhanced, and
                                                                                                                                                                                              transformation occurs.
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