Page 7 - SKIS Window 초등신문(2021학년도 1학기)
P. 7

2021 Students Ⅳ


                                                                                                            CA(동아리 활동)
                                                                                                         신나는 동아리활동! 동아리활동에는 재미있는 활동들이 참
                                                                                                         많아요. 종이접기, 줄넘기, 캐릭터 그리기, 배드민턴, 탁구 등
                                                                                                         친구들과 함께 즐겁게 배울 수 있지요. 1-2학년, 3-4학년,
                                                                                                         5-6학년으로 나누어서 동아리활동을 했기 때문에 다른
                                                                                                         학년 친구들도 만날 수 있었지요. 하지만 안타깝게도 온라인
                                                                                                         수업이 시작되면서 반별 동아리활동으로 바뀌었어요.
                                                                                                         그래도 괜찮아요! 같은 반 친구들과 함께 재미있는 활동을
                                                                                                         해본 경험이 생겼으니까요. 2학기 동아리활동도 기대해
                              토론 동아리                                       Reading Quiz Game Activity    주세요!

                                                                                                         우리 싱가포르한국국제학교에는 재미있는 방과후학교
                                                                                                         수업들이 참 많아요! 학교 수업 시간에 배우기 어렵거나 더
                                                                                                         깊이 있게 배우고 싶은 것들을 방과후학교에서 선택해서
                                                                                                         들을  수  있지요.  ESL(영어기초),  KSL(한국어기초),
                                                                                                         CSL(중국어기초) 수업에서는 기초를 탄탄히 다져요. Team
                                                                                                         Sports, Basketball, 탁구 등 운동 강좌도 있고, 미술, 과학,
                                                                                                         음악, 수학, 역사 등 매번 다양한 강좌들이 개설되어요.
                           과학상자                                           수학퍼즐                           학생들과 학부모님의 의견을 최대한 반영하여 즐겁고 알찬
                                                                                                         방과후학교를 만들어가고 있답니다. SKIS 방과후학교로
                                                                                                         놀러 오세요!

                 나만의 로봇 OLLO                                        뜨개질

         Brief News

          Korean Math Competition                                                   Science Fair
       On 22 July 2021, there was a Korean math competition in our               The Science Fair is an event for experimentation and taking part
       elementary school. It is a competition that we do every semester.         in activities to make new experiences. We held the Science Fair on
       Whole students of all grades participated in the competition. The         April 21st, 2021. This year, we were doing experiments with rainbow
       competition went like this. Every student should solve problems on        milk, making a merry-go-round, making constellation lights, and
       the test paper and write the answers on it. Of course the level of the    experimenting with making tall buildings using marshmallows and
       problems were different by the grades of students. There were three       spaghetti. These are just some of the experiments grades 5 and 6 did.
       winners(1st, 2nd and 3rd) or more in one grade. If two students(in        Here’s what the students thought!
       one grade) have the same score on the test and both are 1st place,

       they both will win the prize.                                          「신문부 기자 6학년 백주원」  “It was fun to do various kinds of activities that I had never done
                                                                                 before.” - Grace

                                                                                 “It was exciting, and great to learn about science as well.” - Erin
          English Speech Contest
       The English Speech Contest is a competition we hold once every
       year. In this event, we usually have 3 winners per literacy class, 1st,   “It was good to be able to do various activities in each class, and it
       2nd and 3rd.                                                              was good to be able to find out the activities that can be seen around
       To win this competition you need to write a speech of around 400-         in detail again.” - Jiyun
                                                                                                                                     「신문부 기자 5학년 유지민」
       600 words, or 3 minutes, though it depends on your level. The
       speechs are recorded and you need to present to win the contest.

                                                           「신문부 기자 6학년 최가림」
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11