Page 54 - Mandarin
P. 54
Chinese Dictiona...-ies
The ,Xinhua Zidian (New CJ,..inese Dictionav-X') and ,Xi'andai Han)!U Cidian (Model"n
Chinese Dictionav-X') al"e amon9 the most wideiX' 1-\Sed dictionar-ies in CJ,..ina nowadaX's·
The fiv-si is a pocket-sized dictionar-y, containin9 over- 8,000 entr-ies. The second is a
medi~Am-sized dictionav-X' incltdin9 mov-e than .56,CXXJ"ies. The encyclopedic Cihai (Sea
of Wor-ds) and the detailed C)!uan (SD~Av-ces of Wor-ds) av-e both lar-9e dictionar-ies,
often iSS~Aed iVI 1'1'\lAiti-vobe sets. Ther-e av-e also many dictionar-ies speciaiiX' desi~ed fo,..
intel"''\aiional sh.\dents who want to sh.\dX' CJ,..inese la~a~ and a,l'fw-e.
Unlike most dictionar-ies ~-~Sed in Westel"n CO'-\V\fl"ies, in which entries al"e av-v-an9ed
alphabeticaiiX', Chinese dictioVIar-ies av-e ov9anized in a n"'mbel' of diffel'ent waX's.
They can be compiled alphabetically (I-\Sin9 pinytn ov- anothel' l'omanization system), by
the V\1-\W\bel' of s+v-okes !-\Sed to wr-ite the chal"'actev- in Cfl-\eStiOI", ol' bX' the l'adical of the
cha .. actel'. Many dictional"ies P"'blished befo..-e the 1920s ol'dev- theil' entl"ies acco .. di"'9
to the r-adical, whel'eas model'n dictional'ies av-e often al'l"an9ed alphabeticaiiX' and
incl"'de l'adical aVId st..-oke-V\1-\W\be"" indexes.
Dictionaries for Foreigners