Page 47 - Mandarin
P. 47
jtillQill iA iSH$ffl ~~
Lessol'\ 4 Nice to meet yo"'! 45
XI xf xT xl xuexi
han han han han Hanyu
jia ji6 jia jia Jianada
II ¥j$fi Sound discrimination
jiao--qiao yue--ye dul -- tul
(to teach) (to knock) (month) (night) (right) (to move back)
tian -- tfng yon -- yang zhT --chi
(field) (to stop) (speech) (sheep) (only) (ruler)
D ¥9$1fcJ Tone discrimination
shou --shou xia--xia shuT -- shu)
(hand) (thin) (down) (shrimp) (water) (to sleep)
xTn --xln bai -- bai xiao--xiao
(heart) (letter) ( whlte) (hundred) (small) (to laugh)
1.+1 FiifcJW.~ Combination of tones
+ -
v v + / v + v v + ' v + 0
, .,
laoshT yuyan keyT q1ngJ1n women
••V ••
Beijing luxfng yufa kaoshl JleJie
(Beijing) (to travel) (grammar) (exam) (elder sister)
' + - ' + / '+ v ' + ' ' + 0
Ub6 waip6 Hanyu gulxlng meimei
(younger sister)
mianbao lianxf baozhT zhuyl keqi
(bread) (exercise) (newspaper) (to pay (courtesy)
attention to)