Page 16 - The Little Snowman L3
P. 16

"Look!                                                                    "• •   (ENGAGE Learning
                                                                                     -•~ NELSON
                                                                                        ~                         TeA t 0 1996 Jenn, G,~
             Here  1s  the  snowman's                              hat.''               The little snowman        Ulu<;lr3lt0ns ~  l996 Cen9:;a~  ltJ •n -"I A..,~u~ PT f  ••- •-,   PM S!o,y  Boob
                                                                                                                                                 llodle..,l s.t 8
                                                                                         ISBN 978 186  9 55806 2
                                                                                                                  Copyright Notke
                                                                                                                  This WOtll is copyright  l'.o  p.rt t.f ,~ , w~,,,,,  m.1, ~
                                                                                         ISBN 978 I 86 9 5$814 7 (set)
                                                                                                                  reproduc~. st0t!'C ,n .1  re,tr·"'Va' \.,v.-,-  • ··  .,,.,.,,..,,,."""!  "a  ,
                                                                                         Te11c Jenny Giles        10,m °" by any rreans ,.,rnout prior,.  tt~-i ,)If!'!',... s   • ·-e
                                                                                         Illustrations: 1-woel Lowe   Publisher  E•cept as pernHtll!'O ur<?er tN• Co-o:,r  ,ir-  rA.   -r-► ,e D.iby a-
                                                                                                                  for eicamP'eanyfa1tdeal,ng;c:,, :"~P"''POW"1  fp, ,1 ·.- •.·,
                                                                                         Acknowledgements         rese;uch, cr1 t ,c1sm or re·, ..  N .  11.t>i«t to ll!rt,1,rt  .,..  t,11  ~   T..,~ t11.;.":i:>t  _.
                                                                                         Originally pubhshed In New Zealand by Nelson   Ttiese l1m1tat1on 1n::I~ R:~tr ctir1 t1'e coov _,.i  to a
                                                                                         Price Milburn and Co lld   m, u ,1mum or one cn.1pte  or 1~  of •  ., , cc  ... •  . ..,.- ·r.-.,..,~   il'I#  1 tG;Hfl>~
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