Page 15 - Daniel Doesn't talk
P. 15

I  tried to answer Ben's   question,   and the other
              kids  listened.
                  "My mom said some kids are so scared to talk
              that their words can't come out.  She said we
              should  just  leave  Daniel alone and then  one
              he might talk.'
                  Jessica wrinkled her nose the way she does when
                          fluffy                           baby   sister.
              she sees a        little rabbit or someone's
                  I  think Daniel is  so  cute!  I'm  going  to be  extra
              nice to him  so  he'l talk to  me  one  day!'   She
              clapped her hands excitedly.
                  Oh   great,I  said,   picturing Jessica  talking  baby
              talk to Daniel and    trying   to act like  his  mom.

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