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;••#  NELSON
  1  •   CENGAGE Learning·
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 swim   Sally's new shoH     Ted 0  2007 A.nllt'ltc Smith      PM Starters
                             Ulusuations 0  2007 Ceng.ige Le11rnir,g Australia Pty l1m,ted
      Text  Annette Smith                                      Magenta Levels 2/3
      1lluma1ions. Annette Smith
                             Copyright Notice
      Editor  Jacquie Kilkenny   This W0tk is copyright. No pJrl of ttm  \'ioil,: may be reproduced. stored•~
      Dcsignei: Cmtin.1 Neri, Canary GrJph,c Design
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      Rl"plint: Slew Han Ong
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                                                               Ice creams
                             ISBN 978 0  17 013364 7
                             ISBN 978 0 17 013S75 7 (set)      The pencil
                                                               Where are the eggs?
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