Page 12 - Spring 2012
P. 12

Beer Mariners:Layout 1  15/05/2012  16:53  Page 1

           12              WINNERS OTTERY St. MARY                               BEER MARINERS


                                                                                Beer Mariners short mat bowls
                                                                                club held their annual invitation
                                                                                triples tournament, with sixteen
                                                                                teams from across three coun-
                                                                                ties taking part.
                                                                                      The teams were split into
                                                                                two groups with the winner of
                                                                                each  section  contesting  the
                                                                                final,  with  each  team  playing
                                                                                five games of eight ends.
                  Paul Spencer, Graham Hilton, (Beer President)                       In  group  one,  after  the
                        Pam Redhead and Bridget Hallowes                        early exchanges, West Hill the
                                                                                victors  of  last  year,  Upottery
             and Ottery St Mary were vying for top spot, each with a 19 shot advantage, but Ottery St Mary
             having won their three games whilst the others had drawn one game.
                   On to round four, where both Ottery St Mary and Upottery each won, whilst West Hill suf-
             fered a loss which left them trailing by two points. In the final round, narrow defeats for both the
             leaders, as well as West Hill, saw Ottery St Mary qualify as winners with a 27 shot advantage.
                   In group two after two games, Colyton, St
             Teresas    and  Sidford  were  leading  with  four
             points  with  Colyton  holding  the  edge  over  St
             Teresas by a single shot. Round three saw both
             Colyton and Sidford draw, but St Teresas again
             won to move ahead. Round four saw Colyton
             lose by a single shot in a tight game, whilst Sid-
             ford and St Teresas consolidated their positions
             with comfortable wins, with Sidbury now emerg-
             ing as a possible threat, having won three of their
             games.                                                  FINALISTS
                   The final round had no hiccups for either       St. TERESAS
             Sidford or St Teresas who duly qualified having
             won all their matches, with Sidford as runners up. The final began with Pam Readhead, the Ot-
             tery lead, making two touchers, and with the opposing skips alternate in taking shot, St Teresas
             won the opening end.
                   With each team alternate in taking shot, the final bowl of the end saw a weighted shot from
             skip Paul Spencer remove the shot for a single 1-1. A somewhat loose end three saw Ottery
             gain a three to lead 4-1. Another loose end from St Teresas saw Ottery holding 5 but a redeeming
             shot from John Larter reduced the deficit to 4. The next end saw Ottery take a further 3 shots,
             as St Teresas failed narrowly on three occasions to pick up the jack, leaving Ottery ahead 8-1.
                   End six saw Ottery quickly into their stride holding two but David Grayer, St Teresas second
             drew shot, only for Paul Spencer to win it back. Ottery ahead 9-1.
                   End seven saw Jeff Swindell, the St Teresas lead, draw long allowing Ottery the opportunity
             to establish a head, but the second shot from David Grayer regained the initiative. With Paul
             Spencer drawing long, John Larter added a second. A weighted shot saw Ottery regain the lead,
             but a similar shot from the St Teresas skip gave them the shot to reduce the arrears. The final
             end began with wide deliveries from both leads, but Ottery increased the pressure on their rivals,
             gaining a five to win the match by 14 shots to 2. The trophy and awards were presented by the
             club president Graham Hilton.
                        Colin Tims
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17