Page 3 - Spring 2012
P. 3
Page 3 amended:Layout 1 14/05/2012 19:21 Page 1
down every year but we will see will notice that from 3
how things work out. Each time to time I have made
magazine now costs about the odd English Gaff but
£1.20 to post out, so that’s £4.80 that seems to be a growing
out of every £9.95 subscription problem with professionals.
for postage alone. How many remember the
In total the magazine sentence from school, “King
costs about £15 or more per Charles the first walked and
year to produce and send out, talked 10 days after his head
SHORT MAT CHAT so you can see how really im- was cut off”? A great feat to do
Sorry about the delay as the portant advertising revenue is. but all that was missing to
mag should have been out ear- At this point I must say a huge make sense was a comma be-
lier but I had to wait for several and very sincere thanks you to tween walked and 10 days. It
promised reports to come in everyone who added a dona- then reads right.
but it did result in 8 more pages tion to their subscription, these I have heard this sort of
making this a 40 page issue. certainly make a difference, so thing on the radio many times,
Having worked out all if you feel like adding a couple usually during the news.
the costs I think I could stretch of quid, don’t let me stop you! You can often see this in
to a 48 page magazine, pro- I used to list donors with print. e.g. “Permission has
vided of course I had enough a thanks but some do not want been granted to film the judge's
copy and I kept the same ad- be listed and I was faced with sentencing of David Gilroy for
vertisers. the dilemma of listing some but the murder of Suzanne Pilley at
Also, my move to Devon not all, so rightly or wrongly I the High Court in Edinburgh
is still incomplete with so much now just publish this very sin- next week.” The way this reads
bowls equipment and “stuff” to cere and heartfelt thanks, espe- it would appear that he com-
bring down and I will not be cially to those who are mitted the alleged murder at
fully right until next year. exceedingly and amazingly the court.
Nevertheless I finally got generous. “Permission has been
this issue out but as usual I’m Now I’m back to playing, granted to film the judge's sen-
still struggling for news and I I am able to cover some tourna- tencing of David Gilroy at the
have some way to go before ment news in Devon, especially High Court in Edinburgh next
everything else in my life is as my partner loves tourna- week, for the murder of
fully sorted. ment play. However, I’m sure Suzanne Pilley”. This then
Having restarted bowling that in other counties other reads better. So, if you spot the
in Devon and found just how bowlers do the same and could odd gaff from either me or any-
differently games are played lo- send me reports and photos one else in SMI, remember we
cally. I’m used to two bowls in etc., assuming they wish to vol- are in good company along
all events other than the Singles unteer, so how about it? Give with the BBC and the press.
and 18 end 3 bowl triples is be- me a call on 0121 - 286 - 9449 In the next issue I shall
yond my level of concentration and have a chat PLEASE! report on the World Champi-
but that’s the way afternoon After some local success onships and will also have a re-
bowls is played in North Devon in Devon, I rediscovered that port from Seamus Kyne on the
or two bowl rinks in the the secret of doing well was to Irish National Championships
evening. When in Rome of play with good players and no and from Chris Hopkins on the
course! matter how I struggled, they English Nationals.
The magazine finances made up for me. How about your end of
took quite a blow recently. I My phone number has season reports and roundups?
lost one advertiser and the post confused some as it looks like a Who won what in your club or
office banged on 18p for each Birmingham number. How- county? Surely they deserve
and every copy of the magazine ever, it is a Skype number that their moment of glory?
I send out. It does not sound a operates through the internet, Weaf
lot but it all adds up! Both fac- so it follows me wherever I go.
tors mean I am quite a bit Over the years regular readers