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Bobs Ramblings_Layout 1  12/06/2023  12:37  Page 1

                                                  I  am  also  compiling  a       a periodic basis, look at the
                   July 2023 No. 7
                    July 2023 No. 7
                                                  transgender article and         ESMBA  Website  under
                       The Editors                could  it  affect  either       newsletter. This thankfully is
                       The Editors
                   Usual Ramblings                sport?                          definitely  a  very  forward
                   Usual Ramblings
                                                         I can’t believe that     step.
                                                  other  topics  have  not               It  looks  very  profes-
                                                  arisen.  How  about  re-        sion and I can’t remember

                                                  laxing dress regulations        who produces it as the rele-
                                                  and  with  loads  of            vant email is in the UK.
                                                  coloured bowls around                  So  far  it  was  pro-
                                                  is it really necessary in       duced in October and De-
                                                  some leagues to insist          cember last year and April
                Hi folks,                         on  club  stickers  on          this  year,  have  a  look
                This was earlier than ex-         every bowl?  My brightly        please.
                pected but there was an           coloured professionally                It is still a disappoint-

                end of season flourish in         painted  bowls  are  the        ment that I do not know any
                Carpet Bowls in particu-          only ones like them in          National  Associations  that
                lar and some Short Mat            the World but I still got       have a dedicated publicity
                in Norfolk.                       moaned  at  because             Officer. Some may give one
                        I could not do this       there  were  no  club           of  their  officers  the  job  to
                in my old printed pages           stickers on them                combine with other activities
                format as pages had to                   To  some  people         but not with publicity as the
                be in groups of 4 i.e. 28,        the rules are more im-          primary activity. Unless you
                32, 36 and so on. But on          portant than playing the        know different?

                the internet I am not re-         game. So what do you                   I am sure some peo-
                stricted and can produce          think? Is anyone actu-          ple will be pleased when I
                and send out any sized            ally reading the maga-          give  up  the  magazine,
                magazines at any time.            zine?                           which  I  plan  to  do  some
                        Some of the feed-                I am in Spain for        time but not yet. I hope I get
                back  on  the  difference         the  Summer  and  I             to have a last say when I do
                between a page flipping           brought  the  last  May         so as it will be highly critical
                magazine         and       the    magazine  in  prepara-          and to the point without any
                straight  PDF  presenta-          tory form. I got a shock        venom I would point out.
                tion  is  on  the  Readers        when I went to publish it              Sadly,  we  are  both
                Email  page  at  the  end         and found the software I        amateur sport in the worst

                and will continue in both         needed  for  publication        sense of the word but I am
                formats.                          was not installed.              confident that in the years to
                        I will be preparing              Some  panicked           come  we  will  get  much
                an  article  on  “straight”       emails  later  and  I  got      more professional in our ap-
                running  bowls  and  do           the  software  down-            proach.
                they  spoil  the  game?  I        loaded  without  paying                As with all sports we
                have been asked to raise          again,  Hence  the  May         will always have politics and
                the subject but it needs          issue I got published.          personality clashes but this
                your  comments  for  and                 The         ESMBA        never fades in any sport.

                against, the floor is open.       started a newsletter on                Bob W
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