Page 6 - Tribal Consultation 2020
P. 6

Enemy Swim Day School had to make quick decisions and adjust plans often.  Our

         teachers are all working to connect to students through zoom meetings and either
         class dojo or google classroom and even through personal calls.  The have also been

         creating 10-day homework packets that have been delivered every two weeks.  We

         feel blessed that several bus drivers and paras volunteered to stay on duty with the

         kitchen staff to provide meals to students and their families.  Our administration lead
         by the Superintendent, Dr. Eastman and the Instructional Principal, Ms. Jeannine Metz-

         ger, have been coordinating, planning, and communicating.  Ed Johnson, Facilities/Bus

         Driver Manager, has been coordinating all bus runs and deep cleaning and disinfecting
         the building.  Barb Danley, has worked hard on coordinating the food services along

         with Donna Rouillard, Food Service Manager.
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