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     Grenaa, DK – certified since 2016
The following facilities are ISO 50001 certified:
w Phasing out the use of coal as energy source
w Focus on energy saving technology eg. Reverse
Osmosis instead of steam in the evaporation w Reuse of process water
Our waste management procedures in our process
Wastewater discharge follows an optimized procedure to ensure its quality before release: w Sampling plan
w Registration of ingoing and outgoing
w Analysis program
w Checklists
w Communications with authority
ISO 50001
A list of milestones achieved by the most advanced facilities
ISO 50001: a recognizable standard to support our plan
The ISO 50001 voluntary certification is based on the management system model of continuous improvement, and is also used for other well-known standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001.
We are monitoring and trending of all accidents and nearby accidents are handled by a multidisciplinary safety committee at least twice a year where action plans are established for continuous improvement of the safety issues like described below.
 Salutaguse, EE – Audit passed, certification May 2020
The following facilities are ISO 50001 certified:
w Wastewater and fermentation waste is treated with a combined treatment process, which includes evaporation and full multi-step biological polishing.
v The treatment process is known for its longevityand should be stated as BAT (Best Available Techniques) for the industry.
w Biological treatment includes both anaerobic andaerobic processes.
v the bio-gas generated during anaerobic digestion is used as a source of Green Energy in our steam boilers. Up to 8% of total natural gas demand is replaced by bio-gas.
w Carbohydrates, minerals and other substances remaining as by products after yeast fermentation are dried via evaporation and can be sold for animal feed and fertilizer.
v An additional stage implemented at the evaporation plant is a reverse osmosis pre-concentration step. This step offerssignification savings on steam consumption and lower operating costs.
v The clean condensate water generated during evaporation and the permate generated during reverse osmosis process are collected for futher re-use for CIP needs. This helps to save natural water resources.
w Surplus sludge generated during aerobic biological wastewater treatment process is further handled according to regulations. Sludge is mixed with turf and then composted – resulting in a soil improver for land application.
w All fermentors in production are equiped with selective alcohol in-line measurement. It helps to run more accurate fermentation with better molasses consumption and less VOC emitted to atmosphere.
w Well water for production is preliminary treated by ozone insteadof using chemicals.
                               SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY

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