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Hutchinson, MN, USA
Minnesota Specialty Yeast (MSY) site is ISO 14001 certified, including the Environmental management System.
For Permit compliance, a new flow me- ter measurement system was installed on the non-contact water discharge line. Providing accurate measurements for reporting.
ISO 14001:2015
Is a certification that specifies the requirements for an environmental management system for an organization to use to enhance its environmental performance in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.
Development of a Recycling program
In the area of Energy Efficiency, Steam trap surveys have been done, and IR testing of electrical equipment (i.e. motors) for hot, overheating areas that could result in downtime at a future date.
Since 2017 a baler aids in making the recycling effort more efficient (and neater).
SY has b
oth a Spill Prevention, Control and
As part of TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) reporting to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), MSY has an established Pollution Prevention Plan. Progress reports are submitted annually to Homeland Security and Emergency Management on how chemicals are used and managed responsibly, including collaboration with our chemical suppliers to identify potential acceptable alternative chemicals that are less toxic while still accomplishing the same cleaning.
Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). These plans and the accompanying training contain the information for identifying potential dangers and how to respond, contain and abate an incident if one were to occur. measurements for reporting.
DEMONSTRATE MSY’S COMMITMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. 1Phosphorus reduction project. This project is investigating the potential of two chemicals,
Chlorine dioxide and Ozone, for their effectiveness at reducing the level of microbial growth at its initial occurrence in the fermenter, and then their success at maintaining the microbial contaminants at a lower, acceptable level, allowing for longer production runs and
increased efficiency. Neither of these two chemicals would continue through and be in the supernatant, thus not incurring any expense in the effluent disposal. In addition, the amount of Phosphorus sent to the wastewater treatment plant would be significantly reduced.
Rhinelander, WI, USA
Rhinelander facility (LSY) site is member of SEDEX organization.
Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade service providers, working to improve working conditions in global supply chains.
w Wastewater solids management: suitable solid waste are spread onto local fields as fertilizers
w Sourcing molasses from local suppliers, reducing the CO2 impact. w Use of the railway instead of trucks for a major raw material delivery
(Corn syrup)
w Natural gas boilers
w Recovery of pasteurizer hot water back to the boilers and application of other saving tools according Wisconsin Public Service Focus on Energy projects
w Heating recovery on the dust collector and economizer on the boilers to preheat feed water.
2Wastewater reuse. MSY uses well water (ground water) for the purpose of noncontact cooling of the fermenters. The plan for this project is to pump a portion of the treated discharge from the Hutchinson wastewater plant to MSY for the use of noncontact cooling. MSY currently withdraws over 350 million gallons of groundwater annually for noncontact cooling. This project would replace all of the wellwater used for noncontact cooling with the wastewater flow from the treatment plant. In addition to the water conservation, this project will allow for more efficient operation of the fermenters, as the treated water has lower levels of the minerals and contaminants than are present in the ground water.
Lallemand Bio-Ingredients develops, manufactures and markets high-value yeast products including whole cell nutritional yeast, yeast extracts and yeast derivatives. Using research and development, proven results and knowledge from experience, Lallemand Bio-Ingredients applies the right yeasts for the right applications to have the greatest impact for our customers.
1. United Nations General Assembly (1987) Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Transmitted to the General Assembly as an Annex to document A/42/427 – Development and International Co-operation: Environment.
2. EPA. «Sustainability Primer»
Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organizations, working with businesses to improve working conditions in global supply chains. They provide an online platform, tools and services to help businesses operate responsibly and sustainably, protect workers and source ethically. Using Sedex enables businesses to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance and improve working conditions throughout the supply chain.”
A limitation of global warming to well below 2°C or even below 1.5°C requires a fundamental restructuring of important areas in the economy and society. This includes the use of renewable energies, increasing energy efficiency, reducing fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) as well as sustainable mobility and city planning. The development of a climate and resource-friendly recycling and waste management combined with sustainable production and consumption (SCP) contribute to the achievement of the climate targets, especially in the mitigation context.
Considering the relevant role of Social and Environmental responsible partner we are willing to maintain for the guarantee of a common, sustainable future, we committed in 2020 to a new“Green Pathway” that will include a quantitative approach to measure together environmental + CSR performance, using tools such as the Life Cycle Assessment. The Data comparison on temporal scale will show our continual improvement from the past years to now and help us to set further goals in the direction we are willing to take! Furthermore the measurable with Life Cycle Assessment cradle to gate will help our customers to integrate our ingredients in their Sustainability plan.