Page 202 - 2021 Detective Startup Training CIDI
P. 202
Recorded interview template
It is (time and full date). My name is (name) and I am a Professional /Licensed/ investigator (if
licensed, provide the state and license number) and I am speaking today with (insert name of
interviewee) with regard to ______________.
(Interviewee’s name,) do I have your permission to being recorded? (if they say yes, continue.)
(interviewee’s name,) please state and spell your full name, your address, your contact number,
and an email address.
(After they do so, thank them and begin your questions.)
(Always listen. Base your questions on the answers they give you, and respond appropriately.)
(If your interviewee needs to pause and take a break or take a phone call, speak into the
recorder and state the time, that you must break, and pause it. Upon returning to the
interview, state the time, ask the interviewee to confirm that you did not speak about the topic
of the interview during the break (or that you didn’t speak at all.)
When the interview is over, always ask them if you may contact them again if there are further
questions. Always thank them for their time.
Speak clearly into the recorder, and state the time, and that this is the end of the interview.