P. 15

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                             fhj; j; hpd; fpUigahy; ekJ Copajj; pd; %ykha; ntsp
                             tej; pUfF; k; midjJ;  Android Apps fisAk; Hand of
                             Jesus Apps  Pack  vdw;   xNu Apps  %ykhf  ngwW; f;
                             nfhss; yhk.;  ,jpy; cqf; SfF;  vej;  Apps NjitNah
                             mij  cqf; s;  nkhigypy;  Install  nraJ;   gadg; Ljj; p
                             MrhP t; hjk; ngwyhk.;
                             ekJ  ,NaRtpd;  fuk;  Ie;J  nkhop  khjhe;jpu
                             gjj; phpfi; fia MbNah tbtpy; ngw 7824868518 vdw;
                             vzz;   pwF;  njhlhG;

                      rNfhjhp.v];jh; uhzp mth;fspd; mDjpd thf;Fj;jj;j
                      nra;jpfis ngw;Wf;nfhs;s ePq;fs; 8144777796     vd;w
                      njhiyNgrp vz;iz fhy; nra;J vz; 1I mOj;Jq;fs;.

      1986 Kjy; 2019 tiu fhj; j; hpd; fpUigahy; ntspteJ;  nfhzb; Uff; pdw;
      ekJ ,NaRtpd; fuk; khjhej; pu gjj; phpfi; fia Android     nkhigypy; Apps
      tbtpy; ngwyhk.;  Apps  ngah; ' Yesuvin karam Magazine' . Google Play Store  -
      y; ,ij eqP f; s; gjptpwff; k; nraJ;  gioa Gjpa gjj; phpfi; fia gbjJ;  Njt
      MrhP t; hjk; ngwW; f; nfhsS;  qf; s.;

      ,dn; dhU  KiwapYk;  eqP f; s;  ,NaRtpdf; uk;  gjj; phpfi; fia  ngwW; f;
      nfhss; yhk; GooglePlayStore  -y; ekJ 1.Hand of Jesus Magazine, 2. Magazine
      Hand of Jesus,  3.Yesuvin  Karam Magazine  vdw;   ,ej;  %dW;   Apps -fisAk;
      gjptpwff; k; (download ) nraJ;  cqf; s;  Android  Nghdpy; Install  nraJ;  gbjJ;
      MrhP t; hjk; ngWqf; s.;  ........... Mrphpah;

           ekJ ,NaRtpd; fuk; Copaq;fspd;     Android Apps

      1. Hand of Jesus   2. Hand of Jesus Esther Rani Bible   3. Esther Rani Hand of
      Jesus    4. Hand of Jesus Audio Video Messages    5. Hand of Jesus Magazine
       6. Magazine Hand of Jesus   7. Hand of Jesus Monthly Magazine   8. Esther

      Rani Bible   9. Esther Rani Tamil Bible   10. Esther Rani Tamil Bible Messages
      11. Message Esther Rani   12. Esther Rani Tamil Audio Bible   13. Esther Rani
                    Radio Audio Bible  14.YesuvinKaram Magazine.
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