Page 118 - Whats on Guide Nov 2019 - Jan 2020
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Dementia Forum                                                                      Christmas Wreath Workshop
        When:      Wednesday 20 November 10:30 am – 12:30 pm                                When:      Thursday 28 November
        Where:   Stanborough Centre, 609 St Albans Road, WD25 9JL                           Where:   Venue to be confirmed
        What:      This forum is a chance for you to share your views and                   What:      Christmas Wreath Workshop, includes materials and
                   experiences of looking after someone with Dementia.                                 refreshments. Booking essential
                   You can also discuss services in Hertfordshire and                       Who:       Doreen Meek at Little Cassiobury - contact 01923
                   how they can be improved with those planning and                                    264367
                   providing them.                                                          Cost:      £12
        Who:       Carers in Herts – contact 01992 586969
        Cost:      Free – booking required.                                                 South Oxhey Choir – Christmas Concert
                                                                                            When:      Saturday 7 December – 7:00 pm
        Nifties’ Trip to Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre                                    Where:   St Matthew’s Church, St Matthew’s Close, Oxhey,
        When:      Thursday 21 November, Coach pick up from 10:00 am                                   Watford, WD19 4ST
        Where:   Coach pick up Holytree House 10:00 am, The Horns                           What:      An evening of great songs and your favourite carols
                   10:15 am and Morrisons 10:30 am.                                                    with the South Oxhey Choir.
        What:      With over 300 festive stalls and entertainment by the                    Who:       Box Office – contact 07773 690979
                   locals. The market covers not only the high street,                      Cost:      £12 adults £5 children
                   but also the beautiful abbey gardens.
        Who:       Watford Community Housing – contact 0800 2182247                         Royal British Legion Women’s Section Dance
        Cost:      £12 – booking essential                                                  When:      Saturday 7 December 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm
                                                                                            Where:     Royal British Legion, 161 Watford Road, Croxley
        Handmade in West Watford - Craft Sale & Vintage                                                Green, Rickmansworth WD3 3ED.
        Tearoom                                                                             What:      A charity fundraising dance with a mixture of
        When:      Saturday 23 November – 10:30 am – 1:30 pm                                           sequence, ballroom, line and party dances. Non-
        Where:   West Watford Community Centre, 15 Harwoods                                            members are most welcome. Numbers limited to 80.
                   Road, Watford, WD18 7RB.                                                 Who:       The club bar – contact 01923 443210 or Barbara
        What:      Come and buy beautiful handmade presents, goodies,                                  Loose  - 01923 720509
                   gift bags, cards and more, all lovingly made in West                     Cost:      £4.00 without food or £8.00 with food (please book in
                   Watford. The sit down and relax with a nice cuppa and                               advance if food is required)
                   a slice of homemade cake.
        Who:       Vanessa – contact 01923 235488
        Cost:      Free

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