Page 20 - UIG_Membership Service Brochure
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With Tax Chat, tax experts provide            Need a will, power of attorney or
          you with advice, planning and                 rental agreement? UIG’s online
          audit assistance to help you avoid            legal document creation tool called
          mistakes, penalties and interest.             LawAssure helps you save hundreds
          They help make your year-end                  of dollars in attorneys fees to create
          tax preparation feel painless and             your own high-quality documents to
          frustration free!                             protect your family and assets.

          KEY FEATURES:
         •  Advice from tax professionals.              KEY FEATURES:
         •  Unlimited advice on federal taxes.         •  Create legal documents online such
                                                        your will, living trust, healthcare
         •  Free tax return preparation for 1040EZ      directive, lease agreement, etc
          per household, and review of last
          years return.  (limit one per household)     •  Securely share your documents with
                                                        trusted advisors or an attorney
         •  Business Returns and Bookkeeping
                                                       •  Safely store and edit your documents, or
         •  Receive discounts on other tax forms        export them for printing and signature
          and schedules.
         •  IRS Notices & Tax Resolution
         •  Member portal with tax tips, tax law
          changes, advice and more
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