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Increase Research has shown that financial
productivity stress— including the annual
stress caused by tax preparation
this tax and filing — can be detrimental
season to productivity.
No cost or
work for you
Keep your
DISCOUNTS staff happy
Get a dedicated tax
pro for your staff
We help people file taxes better,
and you get to be the hero.
Reliable Refunds has made a name for Help people with the cumbersome
ourselves for making tax preparation fun, personal task of filing their taxes. Our
easy and tech-forward since 2010. Virtual Tax Service is designed to help you
better serve your employees, regardless of
But this isn’t about us–it’s about you. Our your company’s size.
Referral Program is a great way for you to
offer an exclusive employee benefit while Our on-demand, virtual tax preparation
increasing productivity and easing stress for connects tax filers with our network of tax
your staff. professionals in an easy-to-use online
environment, making filing personal taxes
simple, fast and reliable.