Page 6 - VTax_A Less Taxing Way To Own A Tax Business
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D I F F E R E N C E ?
Tax fraud and improper
payments by the IRS have
topped more than $20 billion
each year. To compound this
figure, tax preparer suitability
in the U.S. is alarmingly low
with only 41% of those
preparing taxes
W H Y T H E V T A X ? “professionally” having any
licensed credentials
With VTax we wanted to rid the market
With VTax, the customer
of unqualified, untrained tax
experience will be
‘professionals’ who are costing hard-
transformed from the typical
working Americans millions of dollars
unpleasant experience of tax
each year in IRS penalties and interest.
preparation to now becoming
a professional convenient
Our licensees are left to focus on what
they do best, providing amazing
customer service, while our experienced
tax professionals prepare and sign off on
the tax returns.
VTax will enable everyday individuals to
earn more money and a customer
experience that truly revolutionizes the
way taxes are done,