Page 6 - itr save you employees
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                                  T A X   B E N E F I T S   T O

                                  Y O U R   S T A F F

              1. ENROLL                        2. SHARE                           3. BE A HERO

              Register your business           Distribute your unique             Refer your staff to their
              or nonprofit. We will            link online, through your          dedicated tax professional
              get in touch with you to         employee portal, via               throughout tax season and
              answer any questions             email and in employee              enjoy peace of mind.
              you have.                        benefits packages.


                                                     ROBERT ZEMEKIS,
                                                     R  E  G  I  O  N  A  L     M  A  N  A  G  E  R
                                                    "We recommend ITR Taxes to all of our employees, and
                                                    our customers too. It’s a great reason to get back
                                                    in touch with customers and let them know that T-mobile
                                                    is thinking about their needs.”

                                                     MARIA JONES,

                                                     V  P     O  F     H  R
                                                    “ITR made it so easy for me to add tax benefits for my
                                                    company’s entire staff. As an HR exec, I’m always looking
                                                    for new ways to keep our employees engaged and
                                                    happy, so this was a great addition to our benefits
                                                    package. Our Payroll team was thrilled to be able to point
                                                    our staff to ITR for tax prep for filing and answering tax
                                                    questions, too.”
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