Page 38 - Porsche Club Central Magazine Oct 2020
P. 38

Janine van Niekerk introduces you to some of our female Porsche Club enthusiasts. With a passion for all things Porsche, these ladies hold their own in a predominantly male world.
All too often we associate anything to do with cars with men. We are pleased to say that at Porsche Club South Africa - Central that is not the case. We have a number of female Porsche owners, who are members in their own right and actively participate in all our events. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of these
Leading Ladies.
   38 y e a r - e n d f u n c t i o n
    My interest in Porsches developed because
I wanted to join the Porsche Club. All of this transpired when Gert Stolz declined my dinner invitation as he was attending the Porsche Club year-end function. I asked him why he wants to party with the lah-di-dah people? Gert correct- ed me by saying: “Bev, Porsche people are the bikers of the car world. It is the nicest people”.
    That evening I went onto the Porsche Club website, downloaded the membership application forms and filled in everything until I got to the question asking for a VIN number. I explained to Dave that we do not need an expensive Porsche, just something to get our foot in the door of the Porsche Club. Dave consented, and told me that
a friend once said that if you bought your first Porsche, then your second and third one is even easier. After much research and exceeding the in- itial budget projections the deal was signed when I laid eyes on a yellow Porsche Boxster (that’s
my colour) and spotted a shooting star later that

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