Page 39 - Porsche Club Central Magazine Oct 2020
P. 39

 evening. My club fees were paid even before I collected my Porsche.
My first Porsche Club event was a breakfast run hosted by Sela. Dave is in Ghana, and I am taking my brother. We are both very excited. The evening before, I am watching the Top Gear episode where Jeremy Clarkson is driving a Porsche Boxster.
Unbeknown to me, Clarkson
is not a fan. He remarks in
typical Porsche bashing fash-
ion that if you cannot afford a
Porsche, then you must buy
a Boxster because this is the
lowest in the Porsche range.
My heart sinks. If Clarkson is
not a fan of a Boxster, what
will the Porsche enthusiasts
say? I no longer want to go. I
phone Dave who assures me
that all will be fine if I wear a
T-shirt that reads “wannabee
The morning of the event, my
       brother arrives bright and early. My plan is to park in front of Clicks, so nobody knows which car I arrived in. As luck will have it, we are the first to arrive, and receive an enthusiastic wel- come from Sela who directs me to a parking space. Entering the venue,
I try to find a corner to hide in. No such luck! Here comes Dick Lucas and Pierre Joubert who ask if they can
join us. The conversation flows nicely until Dick asks me what Porsche I
am driving. I said apprehensively: ‘no, you say first.’ Needless to say, once I discovered that everyone around the table was driving a Boxster, the ice was broken. I found my tribe.
I love the sound of my Porsche. Every time I switch it on, the roar gives me goosebumps. Pure driving pleasure is experienced every time I have to go on an errand, and many memories and stories have already been made in my Porsche. My next Porsche would be the 911 Porsche Safari because I can use it to explore all the quaint little pubs hiding in the off roads of the Free State.
So, what did Gertjie say once I revealed my Porsche? With a twinkle in his eye, he enthused ‘Lekker Beverly, lekker - the Porsche People is lekker hey?’ I have to agree.

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