Page 9 - Porsche Club Central Magazine Oct 2020
P. 9

The most beautiful things in life are often not tangible but experiences - our year end function 2019
Beautiful things (like Porsches) ought to be treasured. But the most beautiful things in life are often not tangible but experiences. Such occasions include special celebrations with like-minded people. So, it was with our Year-End Function:
A Porsche Night to Remember.
Glamour was in the air when the Porsche Club South Africa - Central rolled out the proverbial red carpet for the more than 110 guests who attended the 2019 Gala Dinner and awards evening.
A sea of purple blooming jacarandas welcomed the guests at The Castle, Kievitskroon. If it weren’t for the Jacarandas, guests could have believed they were in the Cape Winelands with the Cape Dutch architecture and the vast scenic gardens. More than 90% of the attendees chose to indulge themselves a little and stay over at Kievitskroon for the evening.
As the guests were getting ready, wine-tasting tables were being set up outside The Castle at the fountains. The intention was for guests to taste sparkling wines under the watchful eye of a top qualified sommelier. At the same time, the string duo was to play classical background music. However, a breath-taking thunder- storm shattered glasses and wine bottles, causing the festivities to hurriedly move inside. But nothing could dampen the spirits.
Once inside, a sophisticated Old Hollywood setting of vintage
and glamour greeted guests. Each table was assigned the name
of a Hollywood celebrity who was also a Porsche enthusiast like the iconic James Dean and his Porsche 550 Spyder. Two vintage Porsches (graciously provided by Dr’s Eugene and Andries Gouws), flanked the stage. The MC Johnny Koen kicked off festivities. Aligned with the theme of ‘a Night to Remember’ he took us down memory lane. Classic movies, events and songs complemented Johnny’s description of how iconic Porsches were inspired by the great racing victories of the past. While a four-course meal was laid out by the Kievitskroon chef, the Marcato band started their first set with light classics of the 60s and 70s.
The President of the Porsche Club, Albert Du Bois, handed out two trophies to Porsche Club Committee members. Sparky Frankenberg was awarded the Porsche Club Committee
member of the year, and Brian Viljoen received the light-hearted ‘Dum-Kopf ’ trophy of the year. This trophy acknowledges the committee member who suffered the most unintentional mishaps during the organising of Porsche Club events. Then it was the turn of Porsche Club members. The Vice-President and Treasurer, Cilliers van Niekerk announced a new trophy to be awarded in 2020, namely, the ‘Porsche Club Member of Distinction’. Cilliers then proceeded to honour club members for their treasured contributions during the 2019 year.
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