Page 5 - Legacy Fall Edition 2016_Classical
P. 5

Residents Help Fulfill Mission,

        Expand Opportunities

        The  spirit  of  giving  is  alive  and  well  at  Life  Enriching
        Communities, ensuring that current and future generations
        at  Twin  Lakes  and  Twin  Towers  experience  life  to  the

        The  two  communities  rely  on  various  donations,  such
        as  bequests,  one-time  or  multiple  contributions  and
        charitable  gift  annuities,  to  maintain  and  expand  their
        campuses and provide services to their residents.
        The Greater Cincinnati Planned Giving Council this year
        recognized  Twin  Lakes  resident  Don  Neyer  and  Twin
        Towers  residents  Rev.  Joe  and  Blanch  Graham  with  its
        Voices of Giving Award.
                                                                From L-R:  Dan  McManus,  Executive  Director,  LEC  Foundation,  Nancy
        Rev.  Graham,  administrator  at  Twin  Towers  from  1983   Schwandner,  LEC  Foundation,  Rev.  Joe  Graham,  Blanch  Graham,  Don
        to 1996, is a retired United Methodist Church minister   Neyer, Angela Betterley, LEC and Tom Reusch, LEC Foundation.
        who began visiting residents at Twin Towers as part of his   school  boards,  so  I’ve  been  doing  it  for  many,  many
        ministry. Later, he was tapped as administrator to lead a   years,” Neyer says. “I just believe that if you have it, you
        renovation and expansion of Twin Towers that led to its   have to share it, and I like to do it with local operations
        success today.
                                                                as much as I can.”
        “As  long  as  I  was  administrator  here,  I  participated  in   McManus  says  Neyer  and  the  Grahams  exemplify  the
        helping to raise funds in all kinds of ways,” he says. “That   importance of giving. The non-profit provides benevolent
        was a big part of my responsibility.”
                                                                care, pastoral care, capital fundraising and underwriting
        He  and  his  wife  began  giving  financially  to  the  Life   of  various  programs  for  Life  Enriching  Communities
        Enriching  Communities  (LEC)  Foundation  during  that   residents.
        time. After retiring, they lived in Fayetteville, Ohio, before   Additionally,  the  LEC  Foundation  supports  the  Pastoral
        returning in 2012 as resident members of Twin Towers,   Care  programs  that  “lead  services,  offer  Bible  studies
        where they now volunteer and contribute in many ways.
                                                                and provide counseling to associates, residents, and their
        Dan McManus, Executive Director of the LEC Foundation,   family members,” he says.
        says of Graham: “He serves on committees and is very    Capital projects include the newly renovated chapel at
        active, very influential. He’s a big proponent of charitable   Twin  Towers  and  a  planned  $70  million  expansion  at
        giving. He and his wife have been tremendous supporters.”
                                                               Twin Lakes. All of that takes money, and many residents
        Neyer, a former executive at his family’s multigenerational   help kick off projects or fill in funding gaps. Funding for
        business, Al. Neyer Inc. Construction Services, retired 22   the  proposed  Twin  Lakes  Community  Center  started
        years ago and began contributing to the LEC Foundation   when a resident, Shirley Davies, provided a $572,000 gift
        when  he  and  his  wife  moved  to  Twin  Lakes  in  2012.   through her will.
        He  was  instrumental  in  the  completion  of  a  mile-long   “Those are the types of things that allow the foundation to
        asphalt walking path that connects the central and north   do the great work that it does,” McManus says.
        campuses  –  providing  both  financial  donations  and
        his  construction  expertise.  He’s  now  involved  in  the   How to Contribute
        expansion project which includes new apartments and a
        community center at Twin Lakes.                        Would you be interested in supporting a project or helping
                                                                to  provide  benevolent  care?  Contact  Dan  McManus,
        He has a deep belief in giving back to the community.  Executive  Director  of  the  Life  Enriching  Communities
        “When I retired, I was on 15 non-profit boards and four  Foundation, at 513.719.3540 or

        A Life Enriching Communities Publication • Fall 2016                                                        3
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