Page 3 - Legacy Fall Edition 2016_Classical
P. 3

The Connection Provides a                               can stay standing in the water and still get the benefits of
                                                                the full range of motion, the social aspect of participating,
        Healthy Dose of Fitness and                             and the flexibility in general.”
        Activities.                                            Williamson  introduced  senior  boxing  at  Twin  Lakes,  in

                                                                which about 15 to 18 residents learn basic boxing moves,
        Feeling a little out of shape? Need an energy boost? Or  such as jabs, uppercuts, dodging punches and working on
        maybe you would like to try something new?              balance. “It’s fun,” he says.

        You need to see Amy Brunner or Jon Williamson.          Brunner,  a  University  of  Cincinnati  graduate,  and
                                                               Williamson, an Ohio University alumnus, oversee much
        Brunner is the manager of The Connection at Twin Towers,   more than exercise programs. Both communities provide
        and Williamson is her counterpart at The Connection at   a range of social outing opportunities to places such as
        Twin Lakes.                                             the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops, Reds games, Gorman
                                                                Farm, BB Riverboat excursions, Cincinnati Bell Connector
        While  The  Connection  is  a  fitness  center,  the  pair’s
        responsibilities  go  way  beyond  physical  training  and   streetcar  tours,  the  Banks  downtown,  Taft  Theatre,
        activity. They also oversee a myriad of programs at the two   Lumenocity,  Playhouse  in  the  Park  and  University  of
        Life Enriching Communities Senior Living Communities.   Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, to name some.
                                                               The  Living  is  Learning  series  at  both  communities  also
        “We really focus on the overall wellness for the older adult
        population – any population, for that matter,” Brunner says.   provides  educational  and  recreational  programs,  such
        “Even as you age, you can sustain your physical and mental   as  presentations  by  both  residents  and  people  from
        abilities – or you can improve them.”                   throughout Greater Cincinnati on various topics.
                                                                Board  games,  movies,  Bible  studies  and  adult  mandala
        Both Brunner and Williamson say their services target “the
        whole  person,”  which  includes  the  physical,  emotional,   coloring-book  sessions  also  fill  the  schedules  at  both
        social, intellectual, spiritual and vocational needs of the   communities.
        residents and associates.                              “We want to help them stay active with so many diverse
                                                                outings  and  activities  –  both  inside  and  outside  of  our
        “I tell people that in my job, I’m responsible for fun and
        fitness,” Williamson says. “We push a very active lifestyle,   communities,” Williamson says.
        to keep them up and going as much as possible through all
        dimensions of wellness.”

        At Twin Lakes, that includes Muscles in Motion, a three-
        day-a-week  class  that  focuses  on  maintaining  balance,
        developing  range  of  motion,  cardio  workouts  and  deep
        breathing; a two-day-a-week boot camp-style circuit class;
        a  balance  class  involving  tai  chi  and  yoga;  and  various
        aquatics classes in the 20-by-75-foot pool (and residents
        can head to the whirlpool as well).
        Twin  Towers  provides  similar  fitness  programs,  Brunner
        says, adding that a massage therapist at The Connection
        began  offering  acupuncture  this  year.  In  addition,  Walk
        with  Ease,  a  walking  program  that  runs  for  about  eight
        weeks, teaches proper shoe wear, pace and journaling.

        Plus,  Aqua  Pilates  and  Aqua  Yoga  are  popular  as  well,
        Brunner says.                                            Jon Williamson              Amy Brunner (center)

        “We’ve taken the land classes and put them in the water,
        which makes it much easier for our population to exercise
        and not have to lie down on the ground,” she says. “They

        A Life Enriching Communities Publication • Fall 2016                                                        1
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