Page 18 - NEW ROSE YEARBOOK 04-18-17_Neat
P. 18
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As a Wild Cat is lost from the forest, we were lost in making the transition from elementary
I to high scjjgyo^^ fight! and J/e were clfter-
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rrnftcdto do likewise. We were 65 unskilled cubs. The new year was begun with the election of
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the following officers: President, Marvin Fauntleroy; Vice President, Barbara Taylor; Secretary,
Gladys Morris; Asst. Secretary, Emmett Walker; Treasurer, Jacqueline Garlic; and Parliamen
tarian, Reggie Lucas, Under the leadership of Miss C. Sample and Miss Reed, later replaced by
Mr. l^ ftert, who was replaced by Miss Lockley we had a banner year. We participated in spirts,
clublt and even had delegates to the N.F.A. convention at V.S.C.
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Ii|:September, 1961, we returned as freshmen. Our class had decreased to 63 members. Ou*;
sponsoi| were Miss C. Sample and Miss E. Lockley. We needed and had the love understanding
of devoje$%^rent$ and teachers who worked by our side each day, with the purpose of develop- %
ing our labilities and encouraging our dreams. Our officers were; President, Betty Stewart; Vice
Presiderf, Barbara Taylor; Secretary, Emmett Walker; Treasurer, Louis Hames; Parliamentarian
Allen Rcillins. We had many students and achievements to be proud of during that year.
By the we became " Silly Sophomores1’, we were 52 in number. Now under the spon
sorship oflour beloved elementary instructors, Mrs, Edith Ingram and Mrs. Carrie Johnson, we" § &
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began to perform in full swing. Dianne Parker was the winner of the Miss J J . Wright contest. * * -'v '‘*8 *
Marvin Fauntleroy and Louis Hames represented the class in the state Basketball tournament at sr
Hampton Institute. Others to win laurels were Gerald Fauntleroy and Allen Rollins who rated
high at the! Sconce and Math Conference. The officers were; President, Bruce Tyler, Vice 55,
President, Betty Stewart, Secretary, Emmett Walker, Ass't. Secretary, Patricia Chew, Treasurer,
Louis Hames, and Parliamentarian, Marvin Fauntleroy.
Entering into our Junior year with 42 jolly members, we sponsored a gala Junior Senior Prom,
"Blue Havii". Now in full swing of the high school life, we displayed our many talents. Jamesl
Smith, Jackie Garlic and Betty Stewart received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively an oratorical
contest irfthe school. Other members won honors in the fields of Science, Math, Art, Athletic i
and SchojasMc Achievement. We had a wonderful year with Mr. N.B. Harper and Mrs. J.G.
Simons, fWe elected the following persons to office; President, Betty Stewart; Vice President,
Barbara 'taylor; Secretary, Emmett Walker; Ass't. Secretary, Jackie Garlic; Treasurer, Norman « v
Cook; aifd Parliamentarian, Allen Rollins. s
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It appealed impossible, that in a five year span, we had lost 26 of the 65 students. Some M
thought the work was too hard and fell by the way. This gave us a greater incentive to fight, S
for ouff next step must be graduation. During our last year we displayed our leadership ability
with tbe following achievements. Allen Rollins, President-Senior Class; Marvin Fauntleroy,
President-S. A.; Jackie Garlic, President-Science & Math; Emmett Walker, President-Drama
tics Club; Reggie Lucas, President-Band; and Louise Hames, Editor of News Paper. During our
las^year we proudly had five members on the football team. Our class, now in the time|j£hfcta
of nearly every activity, produced many leaders in the areas of4music, choir, business, cheer
leading and politeness. Our officers under the sponsorship of Miss Martha Fyre were: President!
lien Rollins; Vice President, Barbara Taylor; Secretary, Jackie Garlic; AssX Secretary, Emmett
alket^o^iyrer^ Norman Cook; and Parliamentarian Maryin Fatmtlefoy. / \ /
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We will never forget "old Wright" and all the dear members of the staff who guided u,! so
wisely. We leave to strive for greater heights, and prove that "Superiority Ex^ells Eqiialijy”.
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